
Two fluids derived from local staple food, Manioc Salt Solution (MSS) and Pap Salt Solution (PSS) were assessed and compared with the World Health Organization/Oral Rehydration Solution (WHO/ORS) in 333 children aged between 6 and 60 months in a clinical trial. All the children had some dehydration after episodes of acute watery diarrhoea using WHO criteria. All the children who were placed on MSS and PSS, as well as ORS were satisfactorily rehydrated. There was no significant difference in pre- and postserum electrolytes of the children on the three types of fluids. The fluids were found to be acceptable, readily available, easy to prepare and cheaper than the ORS fluid. There was no taboo against the fluid. It is noteworthy that there was no significant difference in the sugar and electrolyte contents of the different varieties of the manioc and pap available in this environment, thus making the MSS and PSS effective and readily available substitutes to ORS. The two fluids are therefore recommended as rehydrating fluids for children with some dehydration in the absence of WHO/ORS fluid.

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