
Wall control blasting practices arc necessary to reduce the impact of blasting on mine faces but can also have a significant negative impact on mine productivity and operating costs. The conventional practice in deep open pit mines is to use so-called trim blasts adjacent to pit walls. To provide burden relief these trim blasts have fewer rows than full production blasts and are fired to a cleared free-face: hence they are termed ‘unchoked.’ This practice leads to scheduling constraints on the pit operations and can cause ore dilution due to excessive muckpile movement. The use of such trim blasts stems from the perception that increased wall damage results from ‘choked’ blasts. These concerns are based on the unproven assumptions that blast vibration levels and explosive gas penetration increase with increased blast burden and face confinement. This paper describes work undertaken as part of a major investigation into wall control blasting at the KCGM Fimiston Mine, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. It details a study to assess damage effects due to blast burden. Borehole air pressure measurements and borehole video camera inspections owere done behind a series of single blastholes drilled owith varying burden distances, as owell as behind a dedicated trim blast and a full production blast. It was found that the measured damage effects, including visible rock cracking, dilation, and the limited extent of gas penetration behind the blastholes, did not vary significantly with burden or blast type for the cases tested. This result was in complete agreement with detailed vibration measurements conducted by Blair and Armstrong [1] during the study, which found that vibration was independent of blast burden. As a result of these investigations, changes to the blasting practices at the mine were implemented. Dedicated trim blasts and free-face blasting have been replaced by modified production blasts and the practice of ‘choking’ blasts has been introduced. This has resulted in a significant improvement in productivity and cost savings without compromising pit wall integrity.

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