
Three systemic fungicides: Topsin-M (Thiophanate methyl, 70%WP), Ridomil MZ (Mancozeb, 64% + Metalaxyl, 8%WP), and Bavistin (Carbendazim, 50%WP) alone and in combination with four non-systemic fungicides Captaf (Captan, 50%WP), Indofil M-45 (Mancozeb, 75%WP), Indofil Z-78 (Zineb, 75%WP), and Thiram (Thiram, 75%WP) were evaluated both in vitro and in vivo for their effectiveness to manage Alternaria blight of rapeseedmustard caused by Alternaria brassicae. A pure culture of the pathogenic fungus was applied in the field at 2 g colonized sorghum seeds kg-1 soil. All the fungicides were evaluated for their efficacy at various concentrations, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 500 ppm, and were sprayed in the field at 0.2% a.i. l-1. All fungicides significantly reduced the severity of the disease but Ridomil MZ was most effective. Topsin-M at a concentration of 500 ppm was the most effective in reducing radial growth of the pathogenic fungi (74.2%). Ridomil MZ reduced disease severity by 32% and was followed in effectiveness by the combination Bavistin+Captaf (26.5%). Maximum yield was obtained in plots sprayed with Bavistin+Captaf (1198 kg ha-1) followed by Bavistin+Indofil Z-78 (1172 kg ha-1). It was worth noting that the highest net profit as well as the highest cost-benefit ratio was obtained with Bavistin+Indofil Z-78 (1:3.2), followed by Bavistin+Captaf (1:1.3).

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