
In previous communications we have reported the use of the chick oviduct for the quantitative assay of such estrogens as stilbestrol, estrone, estradiol, estradiol benzoate and methoxy bisdehydro doisynolic acid (MDDA) (Dorfman, 1947A). This method was also employed to study the relative potencies of estrone, estradiol, estradiol benzoate, MDDA, and stilbestrol (Dorfman, 1947B). The question arises as to the relative sensitivity of various breeds of chicks to oviduct stimulation by estrogens. It was also of interest to determine the relative variation among individuals of the various breeds to the view of finding the most accurate conditions for the bioassay of estrogens. animals, methods, and material Four breeds of chicks, White Leghorns, White Rocks, Rhode Island Reds and a Sex Linked Cross (Plymouth Rock and New Hampshire Red) were obtained from Kerr Chickeries in Frenchtown, N. J. The procedure consisted of dissolving the stilbestrol,1 the estrogen chosen for all of these studies, in corn oil so that...

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