
Since the last century rose’s improvement followed an upward curve, increasing both the number of varieties and classes (floribunda, miniature, climbing, etc.). Thus their culture has known as an extension of explosive, become one of the botanical genera most used in the decoration of green spaces of all kinds. The most used material production is grafting. In the present experiment was conducted a survey on the lending in Sibiu county, of a few species and varieties of the genus Rosa, used for production of the material rose. Thus were tested in the species Rosa canina Inermis varieties and Pfander, of the species Rosa corifolia varieties Laxa and Pollmers and Rosa superbe, Rosa multiflorous, Rosa rubiginosa. Grafting was sleeping in the eye-level package. Variety donor graft was Rosagol, variety created in Romania in 1995, by Stephen Wagner in SCPP Cluj. The study was organized after the field experiences as monofactorials placed in latin square (Ardelean and Sestras, 1994). From the data obtained (Table 1) that Rosa corifolia Laxa had the best percentage of holding of 92.4%, giving a real and positive difference very significant, and Rosa corifolia Pollmers and Rosa canina Inermis differences have been distinct significantly positive to media made of Rosa canina (74%). Over Rosa rubiginosa which we recorded the lowest percentage of holding of 63.8%, the difference being significant compared to negative media made of Rosa canina (74%). Rosa corifolia Laxa and Rosa canina Inermis a very accelerated pace and may reach the optimum diameter of the graft in early June, with the rate of thickening for grafting more slowly, being good for grafting until early August. This advantage may become a recommendation and that is why to use the three nursery stock, Rosa corifolia Laxa, Rosa canina Inermis and Rosa corifolia Pollmers to plan campaign grafting.

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