
Most of the genetically selected juvenile Biomphalaria glabrata snails, normally strongly resistant to Schistosoma mansoni, lost their juvenile resistance to this parasite when other trematodes were concurrently present in the snail. Three echinostome species all were able to reduce this genetically controlled juvenile resistance: Echinostoma lindoense, E. paraensei, and e. liei. Subsequently, adult resistance to S. mansoni, clearly present in control snails of the same age and strain that were not doubly infected, failed to develop in most of the snails that also harbored echinostomes. Other snails, selected for resistance as adults to S. mansoni, also usually became susceptible to this parasite following infection with E. paraensei. The capacity of E. paraensei to interfere with the snails' resistance to S. mansoni was greater than that of E. lindoense. Destruction by predation of primary sporocysts of S. mansoni by echinostome rediae prevented completion of development of the S. mansoni infections. In a number of snails all primary S. mansoni sporocysts were consumed before secondary sporocysts could be formed. In most experimental snails, however, some of the schistosomes survived, often as a small number of degenerated secondary S. mansoni sporocysts. The capability of flukes to interfere with the natural defense of snails may be an important phenomenon whereby trematode species survive in their snail hosts.

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