
The production of feed yeasts, Myeotorula japonica and strain No. 292 has been investigated. Strain No. 292. was isolated from soil at Akita Tahoku Pulp Co.On the rate of utilization of reducing sugar, the discontinuous culture method generally dominated over the continuous method.The principle of the fermentor used in this work was the same as that of Waldhof-type fermentor. But the volume of medium was only two liters which was too little to maintain a steady state of aeration.It was found that the volume of medium must he four liters at least to investigate the continuous method with this apparatus. Among six kinds of nutrients groups added to neutralized sulfite waste liquor supplementally, no great difference was recognized as for the yields of yeasts and the utilization of sugars.On the other hand, methods of pretreatment of sulfite waste liquor will preferably exert influences upon them.

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