
Seven important cultivars of guava were evaluated on the basis of physico-chemical attributes of fruit in winter season of 2011–12 in the laboratory of Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. The guava fruits were procured from Rraghuwansi Farm, Cholapur, Varanasi. Not much variation was observed for the shape of the fruit but red blush on the skin proved cultivar specific. Fruit weight and volume increased with size of the fruit, while specific gravity remained unaffected. The maximum fruit length, width, weight, volume were recorded in L-49 and Gorakh Bilash Pasand followed by Sweta. The highest keeping quality was found in L-49 (7 days) with maximum weight (244.52g) as against the minimum of Sweta (4 days) with fruit weight of 236.16g. The maximum acidity was recorded in L-49 which was comparable to Allahabad Safeda and Sweta. The highest vitamin ‘C’ was recorded in L-49 followed by Allahabad Safeda and Sweta. The maximum pH and TSS were recorded in Lalit and Sangam. Significant positive correlation was found between pH and acidity and dry matter content. The soft texture of fruit was considered essential for better pulp quality, while taste and flavour were important for palatability. The soft texture and appealing taste and flavour were observed in the fruitsof L-49 and Allahabad Safeda.

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