
An estimate was made of the abundance of different types of mycorrhizal associations in two plant communities of conifers and hardwoods in the Harvard Forest. Lists of plant species, the coverage of their foliage in the canopy and understorey layers, and the types of mycorrhizal associations for 45 species common in these communities are presented. Of the species examined, 91 % were mycorrhizal, representing most of the known major types, viz. ectomycorrhiza, vesicular–arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM), ericoid, and monotropoid mycorrhiza. Of the 45 species studied, 22% of the species showed ectomycorrhizal, and 71 % VAM associations. A direct spore count was a more reliable method than the most probable number method for determining VAM occurrence in the soil. Spore numbers ranged from 4.4 to 11.8 spores/g oven-dried soil. In conifer stands, ectomycorrhizae were most common, although VAM were also observed in the conifer species. In hardwood stands, VAM were more frequent than in conifer stands, but mycorrhizae were heterogeneous and included a good proportion of the ericoid type. Ectomycorrhizae were more common in communities of low diversity; VAM occurred more frequently in communities of high plant species diversity.

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