
Non-enzymatic and enzymatically-driven lipid peroxidation processes were studied in rat liver nuclei and isolated nuclear membranes, by evaluating the formation of thiobarbituric acid-chromophore, free malondialdehyde, lipofuscin-like pigments, and the degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the nuclear membrane lipids. The results obtained show that: (1) both non-enzymatic and enzymatically driven lipid peroxidation processes are operative in cell nuclei and isolated nuclear membranes; (2) only for isolated nuclear membranes, a good qualitative and up to a great extent quantitative correlation between malondialdehyde and lipofuscin-like pigment formation was obtained; (3) there is a qualitative but not quantitative correlation between malondialdehyde formation and polyunsaturated fatty acid degradation; (4) lipid peroxidation processes in isolated nuclear membranes and intact nuclei have an essentially identical kinetic behaviour. No statistical differences in the relative increases in the concentrations of malondialdehyde and lipofuscin-like pigments or in the degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids were obtained, when the two systems were compared, except in the presence of NADPH-ADP-Fe 3+, which induced a significantly larger degradation of polyunsaturated fatty acids in isolated nuclear membranes than in intact nuclei, and (5) no malondialdehyde-DNA fluorescent adduct formation was observed in any of the experimental groups studied, as inferred from the characteristics of the fluorescent spectra of lipofuscin-like pigments extracted from incubated nuclear preparations.

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