
An investigation was carried out during on five-year-old guava cv. Pant Prabhat to evaluate the effect of different organic (farm-yard-manure and vermicompost) and inorganic fertilizers (macro- and micro-nutrients) as well as bio-fertilizers (Trichoderma, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, Pseudomonas fluorescence and Aspergillus niger) with organic mulches in different combinations on yield and fruit quality. In the above experiment, trees applied with half dose of recommended fertilizers (225 g N2O: 195 g P2O5: 150 g K2O) + 50 kg FYM inoculated with 250 g Azospirillum tree−1 year−1 found most effective to increase the vegetative growth, yield as well as quality of fruits in both the seasons during both the year. Maximum fruit set and yield in rainy (83.33%, and 72.16 kg tree−1) and winter (34.32% and 6.53 kg tree−1) were recorded with the application of 225g N2O, 195 g P2O5 and 150 g K2O along with 50 kg FYM enriched with 250 g Azospirillum tree−1year−1. Fruit quality (total soluble solids, ascorbic acid, per cent reducing sugars, total sugar, TSS:acid ratio and pectin content) in both rainy and winter seasons were found better in fruits from the plants receiving 500 g: 200 g: 500 g NPK tree−1 + Zn (0.5%) + B (0.2%) + Mn (1%) as foliar spray twice (August and October) along with organic mulching 10 cm thick. Therefore, it is suggested to incorporate bio-fertilizers enriched FYM along with half dose of recommended fertilizers for sustainable production of quality guava fruits.

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