
The present study was conducted on feeding behaviour and daily activities of rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) in natural (Pobitora Wildlife Sanctuary, Assam) and captive (Assam state zoo, Guwahati) condition. The observations were made in both day and night time. The study revealed that the rhinoceros spent maximum time in grazing both on grassland (30.14 per cent) and wetland (21.73 per cent). They were observed to be top grazer and preferred to graze slowly in grassland. Early morning and afternoon were most suitable time for grazing for them. Wallowing, galloping, easy walking, standing, resting, and sleeping were some other myriad behaviour that can be seen while watching the rhino in day and night time in natural condition. In comparison to the natural condition, the rhino in the captive condition wallowed for less time (6 per cent) and sleeping (50 per cent) was primary activities of rhinos in the night time. It was observed that rhino maintained good relation with other animals during grazing in both natural and captive condition. Season had effect on the behaviour of rhino specially on grazing and wallowingwhere theanimals spent more time in grazing during post monsoon season than the pre monsoon, monsoon and winter seasons. Highest per cent of wallowing was in the monsoon season (46%) as compared to the pre monsoon (14%). Rhinos had tendency to defecate in a particular place for a long time making a huge dung pile both in natural and captive conditions.

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