
To find antitumor metabolites in Korean basidiomycetes, the shake-cultured mycelia of eight of the higher fungi were extracted with hot water and the extracts, after being partially purified, were subjected toin vivo antitumor test. When administeredi.p. at the dose of 30mg/kg/day for ten consecutive days into the female ICR mice, which had been implanted with 1×105 cells of sarcoma 180 twenty-four hours before the first injection, the extracts ofAgaricus campestris, Lyophyllum decastes, Lyophyllum ulmarium, Armillaria tabescence andCalvatia exipulitormis respectively showed inhibition ratios of 64.1%, 65.4%, 60.0%, 53.0% and 49.3%. These five species were selected for further study, whereas the extracts ofPhallus impudicus, Coprinus comatus andPholiota squarrosa which showed the inhibition ratios of 31.2%, 33.5% and 19.0% were discontinued.

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