
1) Experiments were made on coleorhiza of Indian corn, Sorghum, Pearl millet, Common millet, Italian millet, Barnyard millet, Finger millet and Job's tears. 2) The coleorhiza tissue was composed of parenchyma cells and contained no vascular bundle. 3) The coleorhiza diverged from scutellum diagonally. In these crops mentioned above except Job's tears, the boundary between a coleorhiza and a scutellum was clearly seen even in the resting period of seeds, while in Job's tears the shape of a coleorhiza cell was quite alike to that of a scutellum cell in the resting stage, and the boundary between tissues became just visible at the early stage of germination. 4) In Finger millet, the boundary between a coleorhiza and an epiblast was distinct also in the resting period, and the cells of coleorhiza were arranged semicircularly around seminal root. 5) Job's tears had 3 seminal roots in general, and had only one empty space which is found between a coleorhiza and seminal roots, while wheat and barley had each empty space on the base of each seminal root. 6) Basing these results, morphological features of coleorhiza of the crops used were compared with each other in Table 1.

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