
The present study was carried out on Pantja bucks divided into four age groups viz. Group A (3-6 months), B(6-12 months), C (12-24 months) and D (> 24 months) respectively. The study revealed that the size of the testes varied in different age groups. The testicular length (TL) of group A, B, C and D was 3.77±0.09, 5.76±0.12, 6.47±0.16, 6.80±0.07 cm, respectively. The right testicular width (RTW) of groups A, B, C, D were 2.02±0.19, 3.58±0.11, 4.28±0.19, 4.46±0.09 cm, respectively and the left testicular width (LTW) was found relatively lower than the right of similar age group, but the difference was statistically non-significant. The mean testicular thickness was 1.63±0.18, 3.44±0.07, 3.91±0.07, 4.06±0.04 cm in group A, B, C and D. Further, the left testicular thickness (LTT) was relatively lower than the right of similar age group, but the difference was statistically non-significant. The scrotal volume in groups A, B, C and D were 23.40±3.19, 101.7±5.43, 162.86±17.55, 210.0±8.78 ml respectively. The testicular volume was highest in group D followed by group C, B and A. The increment in volume was lowest between group C and D and highest between group A and B. Scrotal surface temperature was found in the range of 93.8 - 96.2°F with an average of 95.2±0.30, 94.6±0.25, 94.6±0.22, 95.3±0.10°F in group A, B, C and D respectively while rectal temperature was found 102.8± 0.13, 101.6 ±0.41, 102.3± 0.32, 102.3± 0.5°F, respectively. The proportion of testicular weight to body weight was found as 0.002±0.0003, 0.005±0.0002, 0.005±0.0004 and 0.004±0.0002 in group A, B, C and D respectively. Scrotal neck width and scrotal neck thickness of group A, B, C and D was found as 2.31±0.08, 4.13±0.19, 4.31±0.46, 4.77±0.76 and 1.37±0.21, 1.52±0.15, 1.86±0.24, 2.28±0.08 cm, respectively. It can be concluded that the body weight has positive and significant (P

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