
Growing concerns about sustainability have escalated the importance of biocementation techniques for strengthening and protecting construction materials. The biocementation process has several advantages over conventional strength improvement techniques for cementitious materials. However, growth and maintenance of biocementing bacteria may be the cost-increasing factor. Thus, exploration of different ways to fulfil the nutritional requirements of ureolytic bacteria for biocementation has accelerated in recent years. Many researchers have come up with different natural nutrients to grow ureolytic bacteria and to impart economy to the entire biocementation process. The present study proposes the use of mixed cultures of bacteria from rhizospheric soil, grown in a medium containing all natural ingredients for the process of biocementation, thus making the process quite inexpensive. The effect of the mixed cultures of bacteria grown in a natural ingredient medium on the strength and durability aspects of cement concrete was monitored and compared with the effect of isolated species of ureolytic bacteria grown in a conventional medium.

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