
1. (1) A fast moving hemoglobin component was seen in a Negro family together with thalassemia minor. 2. (2) Electrophoretic and Chromatographie properties of the fast moving Hb have made its identity with Hb-J likely. Due to the confusion in literature about electrophoretic properities of Hb-J the tentative name of Hb-J (Georgia) is preposed. The abnormal component is not resistant to alkali and showed the same solubility (in reduced state) as Hb-A. 3. (3) In heterozygous individuals the percentages of Hb-J (Georgia) is higher than that of Hb-A. In the double heterozygous condition (Hb-J (Georgia)-thalassemia) the concentration of Hb-J is increased to 80%; a similar increase of Hb-A 2 is present as found in thalassemia minor, while an increased production of Hb-F is hardly detectable in these cases. Clinically these individuals are normal, while the hematologie data (except for the total Hb, which is in the normal range) are comparable with those of thalassemia trait. 4. (4) The genetics of the Hb-J (Georgia) and in particular the interaction of the gene responsible for the Hb-J production and of the thalassemia gene are discussed.

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