
Contractile responses of motor units in the gastrocnemius, soleus and pretibial flexor muscles of adult cats were elicited by intracellular stimulation of motoneurones. The motor units were classified into types FF, FR and S (Burke et al. 1971) and their responses to the same stimulation patterns as those used in a previous investigation of whole muscles (Hammarberg and Kellerth 1975 a) were studied. The duration of motoneurone afterhyperpolarization was short in both the fast twitch FF and FR units; it was longer in the soleus S units than in the S units of the pale muscles. Twitch time-to-peak was less than 30 ms in the FF and FR units, but exceeded 40 ms in the S units. Soleus S units were slower than S units of the pale muscles. Potentiation was observed in the gastrocnemius units, but not in the soleus S units. A short rest allowed fatigued extensor units of the FF and FR types to regain some contractile strength. This was less evident in the S units which, on the other hand, were extremely resistant to fatigue. Differences in response patterns between corresponding motor unit types of the flexor and extensor muscles were observed. A few fast twitch units were identified in the slow soleus muscle.

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