
Densities (ρ), ultrasonic speeds (u), and excess molar volumes (\(V_{\mathrm{m}}^{\mathrm{E}}\)) of binary mixtures of some aromatic ketones in acrylonitrile have been measured over the entire range of composition at 308.15 K. From these experimental results, parameters such as the isentropic compressibilities KS, interaction parameter χ12, Flory parameters, Ai coefficients, standard deviations σ(YE), and molar sound velocities Rm have been estimated. The excess functions were fitted to Redlich-Kister type polynomial equations. The experimental ultrasonic speeds were analyzed in terms of Jacobson’s Free Length Theory (FLT), Schaaff’s Collision Factor Theory (CFT), Nomoto’s relation, and Van Dael’s ideal mixture relation. The intermolecular Free Length Lf, and available volume Va, have been calculated from the FLT, CFT, and thermoacoustic approaches for binary systems of acetophenone and propiophenone in acrylonitrile at 308.15 K.

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