
We studied the single-photoelectron detection capabilities of a multianode photomultiplier tube H8500C-03 and its performance in high magnetic field. Our resultsshow that the device can readily resolve signals at the singlephotoelectron level making it suitable for photon detection in boththreshold and ring imaging Cherenkov detectors. We also found that alarge longitudinal magnetic field, up to 300 Gauss, induces a changein the relative output of at most 55% for an edge pixel, and of atmost 15% for a central pixel. The H8500C-03 signal loss intransverse magnetic fields it is significantly more pronounced thanfor the longitudinal case. Our studies of single photoelectronreduction in magnetic fields point to the field induced misfocusing ofthe photoelectron extracted from the photocathode as primary cause ofsignal loss. With appropriate shielding this PMT could function inhigh magnetic field environments.

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