
In this present work, we have calculated the energies positions of the 2s22p2(1D)nd2P, 2s22p2(1D)nd2S, 2s22p2(1D)ns 2D, 2s22p2(1S)nd2D and 2s2p3(3P)np2D Rydberg series in the photoionization spectra from the 2P° metastable state of the O+ ion. Calculations were performed up to n = 40 applyingthe Screening Constant by Unit Nuclear Charge (SCUNC) via its semi empirical formalism. The quantum defect and the effective charge are also calculated.The results agree within 98% to Aguilars experimental data, and with Sows theoretical results to within 99%. These data can be a useful guideline for future experimental and theoretical studies.

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