
The heat-sensitive, lethal mutation l(3) c43 hs1 (3–49.0) produces wide variety of defects in the imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster. At permissive temperatures (20°C or lower), homozygotes are viable, but sterile. At 22°C, lethality occurs during the late pupal stage, and at 25°C or higher, lethality occurs during the third larval instar. The imaginal-disc abnormalities observed after exposure to restrictive temperatures include: deficiencies of head structures, duplications and deficiencies of the antenna, a homeotic transformation of the arista to tarsus, duplications and deficiencies of wing and haltere structures, differentiation of amorphous cuticular material in the wing blade, an increase in the number of sex-comb teeth, and disruption of the normal segmentation of the tarsus. Exposure to 27°C for 24 hr at different times in the life cycle revealed that each of these defects has a characteristic temperature-sensitive period (TSP) during the larval stages. Injection of wing discs before and after their TSP showed that the mutation is expressed autonomously. These results are discussed in relation to the role that the l(3) c43 + gene plays in the development of imaginal discs.

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