
Acute, low-dose ultraviolet B radiation (UVR) alters cutaneous immunity at the local site as well as systemically. Within 2-3 days of UVR exposure, recipient mice lose their capacity to develop contact hypersensitivity (CH) when hapten is painted on unexposed skin. This loss correlates temporally with a functional deficit among dendritic antigen-presenting cells within non-draining lymph nodes and spleen. In the experiments described, the delayed systemic immune deficiency following acute, low-dose UVR exposure was found to be eliminated with neutralizing anti-interleukin-10 (IL-10) antibody. Intracutaneous injection of IL-10 generated a deficiency of systemic immunity as well as a functional deficit among lymph node dendritic cells that was similar to that induced by UVR. The skin itself was found to be the source of the IL-10 responsible for these defects, and epidermis (presumably keratinocytes) rather than mast cells was found to be the source of IL-10 within UVR-exposed skin. The potential relationships are discussed between the delayed systemic immune deficit created by acute, low-dose UVR, and the systemic immune deficits caused by chronic, high-dose UVR and by a single, high-dose UVR exposure.

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