
In this paper, the development of a surface limited redox replacement reaction (SLR3) for the deposition of Pt is discussed. In the present study, a Au(111) substrate was cleaned using Ar ion bombardment to form a well ordered (1x1) LEED pattern, after annealing. This surface was then transferred from the UHV surface analysis chamber to an antechamber containing an electrochemical cell. A monolayer of Cu was deposited on the Au substrate from a CuSO4 solution, at an underpotential. The Au substrate, with Cu UPD, was then immersed in a Pt(IV) solution at open circuit, spontaneously replacing the Cu UPD with Pt. The resulting Pt atomic layer coated Au substrate was then transferred back to the analysis chamber, and the surface characterized using LEED and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES). This paper describes the first attempt by this group to grow Pt films by metal EC-ALE.

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