
ABSTRACTLongissimus samples were removed from each side of 17 U.S. Commercial and Utility carcasses (Experiments A, B, and C). The samples were randomly assigned to supersonic‐hydrodynamic shock wave treatment (SSW) or no treatment (C). Total energy and maximum peak force data were obtained for all treatments. Sensory evaluation (for Experiments A and C) included subjective ratings for myofibrillar tenderness. juiciness, connective tissue amount, and overall tenderness. Also, thaw loss, cooking loss, and collagen solubility were determined. The effects of supersonic‐hydrodynamic shock treatment on the reduction of shear force and sensory values for all studies were minimal. Thaw loss (Experiment B only), cooking loss, CIE L* a* b* values, collagen solubility and standard plate counts were unaffected (P>0.05) by treatment. Further research with less tender beef should indicate if tenderness improvement can be attained through a closer accoustical match with water and improved techniques for administering shock wave treatment.

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