
A total of 26 species of coprophilous ascomycetes are recorded from the Hudson Bay Area in the following genera: Anixiopsis, one; Ascobolus, one; Coniochaeta, two; Delitschia, two; Gelasinospora, one; Gymnoascus, one; Melanospora, one; Phaeotrichum, one; Sordaria, five; Sphaeronaemella, one; Sporormia, nine; Trichodelitschia, one. Sordaria arctica Cain sp. nov., collected on the dung of wolf or fox at Churchill, Manitoba, and isolated in pure culture, differs from S. humana in having smaller ascospores which are without a gelatinous sheath. Sporormia polymera Cain sp. nov., collected on the dung of caribou in Ungava, Quebec, has large ascospores with 14 to 15 cells. Anixiopsis stercoraria collected on fox dung in Quebec agrees morphologically with specimens collected in Ontario and obtained in pure culture as well as with the description of the Danish specimens given by Hansen. Specimens described by Stolk in 1955 from Peru are specifically different from the above and are redescribed as Anixiopsis peruviana Cain sp. nov.

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