
In view of the encouraging results obtained from the preparation of carbon balance sheets for a number of species of Aspergilus , as reported in Part III, the work was extended to other groups and, by way of contrast, carbon balance sheets were prepared for a considerable number of species of Fusarium . It is evident from Wollenweber’s “ Monograph on the Fusaria '*(see ‘ Phytopathology ’ (1913), Vol. 3, p. 24) that the classification of the Fusaria on morphological grounds is very difficult. It was hoped that, as a result of the preparation of carbon balance sheets, some biochemical classification on the lines of the Aspergillus group might be possible, and in order to ensure that the cultures used were authentic, almost the whole of those chosen for investigation were Wollenweber’s own cultures purchased from the Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures at Baarn. The methods of investigation adopted were those described in Part II and applied to the Aspergillus group in Part III. The following is the history of the species of Fusarium used in this work :— *(1) F. viride (Lechm.) Wr., Catalogue No. Ag. 81. Purchased from Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures at Baarn. *(2) F. solani Mart. var. minus Wr., Catalogue No. Ag. 83. Purchased from Baarn. (3) F. lini Bolley, Catalogue No. Ag. 60. Purchased from British National Collection of Type Cultures, No. 1082. *(4) F. Martii App. et Wr., Catalogue No. Ag. 77. Purchased from Baarn. (5) F. species , Catalogue No. Ag. 80. Isolated at Ardeer from infected potato haulm. (6) F. dianthi Prill, et Del., Catalogue No. Ag. 69. Purchased from British National Collection of Type Cultures No. 1136. *(7) F. uncinatum Wr., Catalogue No. Ag. 75. Purchased from Baarn. ’•‘(8) F. trichothecioides Wr., Catalogue No. Ag. 73. Purchased from Baarn. *(9) F. tubercularioides (Corda) Sacc., Catalogue No. Ag. 72. Purchased from Baarn. *(10) F. coerulm (Lib.) Sacc., Catalogue No. Ag. 65. Purchased from Baarn. *(11) F. salicis Fuck., Catalogue No. Ag. 69. Purchased from Baarn. *(12) F.javanicum Koorders, Catalogue No. Ag. 78. Purchased from Baarn. *(13) F.falcatum App. et Wr., Catalogue No. Ag. 82. Purchased from Baarn. *(14) F. avenaceum (Fr.) Sacc., Catalogue No. Ag. 76. Purchased from Baarn. (15) F. sporotrichoides Sherb., Catalogue No. Ag. 58. Purchased from British National Collection of Type Cultures, No. 1296. *(16) F. sambucinum Fuck., Catalogue No. Ag. 70. Purchased from Baarn. (17) F. vasinfectum Atk., Catalogue No. Ag. 71. Purchased from Baarn. *(18) F. rhizophilum Corda, Catalogue No. Ag. 74. Purchased from Baarn. *(19) F. metachroum Ap p . et W r ., Catalogue No. Ag. 68. Purchased from Baarn. (20) F. species , Catalogue No. Ag. 61. Isolated at Ardeer from a rotting potato. *(21) F. orthoceras App . et W r ., Catalogue No. Ag. 66. Purchased from Baarn. (22) F. scirpi P amr et Fautr., Catalogue No. Ag. 79. Purchased from Baarn. (23) F. oxysporum Schlecht, Catalogue No. Ag. 67. Purchased from Baarn. Fifteen of the cultures in the above list which are marked with an asterisk were Wollenweber’s cultures purchased from Baarn. The carbon balance sheets prepared for these species are given in Tables I and II.

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