
Abstract Snow, N. & M.W. Callmander (2016). Studies in Malagasy Eugenia (Myrtaceae) — V : Eugenia quadriphylla Snow & Callm., an unusual and rare new species from the northeast. Candollea 71 : 189–193. In English, English and French abstracts. The new species Eugenia quadriphylla N. Snow & Callm. (Myrtaceae) is described from the Makira Protected Area in northeastern Madagascar. It is easily distinguished from its congeners on the island by its thickly quadrangular branchlets and four bullate leaves per node. The species also is atypical among the majority of Eugenia species in Madagascar by virtue of its basipetally splitting calyx lobes, a character that is, however, known elsewhere in the genus. A discussion on its morphology, a line drawing, a distribution map and a preliminary assessment of its conservation status following IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria is provided for the new species.

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