
In Part I the determination of the structure of oxygen fluoride by the method of electron diffraction is described. In Part II the calculation of complex atomic scattering amplitudes and their ease in electron diffraction is discussed. Section A provides an outline of the theory and a summary of the calculations which have been made. In Section B some experimental work, the failure of the Born approximation, and the early calculations are described. In Section C the calculation of complex atomic scattering amplitudes from the partial waves scattering theory and the WKB method is described in detail. In Part III the calculations of atomic form factors for a few selected atoms from Hartree-Fock anal Hartree radial wave functions are described. In Part IV some structural studies by x-ray diffraction are described. In particular, a determination of the unit cell and space group of tetrapyridinecopper (II) fluoborate is described. A determination of the structure of potassium fluotitanate is presented. Finally, the work to date on the structure of monoclinic ceric iodate is presented. Included in this presentation is a detailed discussion of the various I. B. M. procedures used in the reduction of the large number of intensity data.

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