
Suspect vector of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) and Chickungunya transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in container as potential breeding places. This study used a descriptive design, data collection in Kuranji, Nanggalo and Padang Timur and Lubuk Begalung district for 5 months in Padang with populations in house as many as 400 larvae index for density analysis to interpretation. The results container at risk of becoming breeding places of Aedes aegypti in Padang Timur districts 14.25%, and Aedes albopictus in Kuranji 20.75%. 3 classification area analysis are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in the container in the form of supervision that more routine in Nanggalo compared Kuranji and Lubuk Begalung well as in Padang Timur as well as control by getting rid of that is rare in Kuranji and Padang Timur while in Nanggalo and Lubuk Begalung category often get rid of the landfill. Updating data analysis results in the form of survey results, mosquito density monitoring strategy regularly and periodically by the community with assistance by health workers as well as the risk of transmission as well as the anticipation of Extraordinary Events and prevention of dengue outbreaks.

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