
ABSTRACT THIS paper involves the study of the physical and mechanical properties of cassava tubers and their application to the preliminary design of a novel cassava tuber peeling machine. Physical properties of the tubers measured were length, weight and the diameter and peel thickness variation along the length of the tuber. The coefficients of friction of the tuber periderm, cortex and flesh surfaces against wood, mild steel and aluminum were some of the mechanical properties measured. The same set of measurements was made for the coefficient of rolling resistance. Poisson's ratio, shear stress, peeling stress, cutting force and rupture stress were measured for both peeled and unpeeled cassava tuber specimens. The preliminary design of a new continuous cassava tuber peeling machine was carried out. A manual version of the machine was built, tested and used to obtain optimal performance parameters for the machine. Test results showed the machine could completely peel about 92% of the tuber slices fed into it with zero loss of the useful flesh for the first time.

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