
Movie is a medium of mass communication and it’s means used as entertainment. Fiction action movie is one of the most favourited genre by various groups, which displays the tension, mystery, adventure, and the other interesting storyline. The main discussion in this research is the psychopathic character in a movie called Sherlock - The Sign of Three. This movie has the elements of interesting character about the psychopathic character of consultant detective from London city, England, and researcher wants to do some research about it where society perceive generally a psychopath is always negative but in this movie has a lot positive things that make an assist Scotland Yard in the UK in terms of solve murder cases and prevention plans. To answer the issues raised, the researchers used qualitative research methods, approaches semiotics John Fiske and constructivism. The purpose of this research was to determine how the level of reality, representation and ideology in personal psychopath played by Benedict Cumberbatch in the film Sherlock - The Sign of Three and to find out how to change the personal image of the psychopath, played by Benedict Cumberbatch in the film Sherlock - The Sign of Three. Through careful observation and analysis of scene to scene with the relevant documents. The results of this research are at the level of visible reality in the form of appearance, behavior, expression, dialogue and the environment. At the level of representation portrayed through techniques such as close-up camera and over shoulder shot, accompanies the music and editing. At the ideological level, the codes that appear are the individualist ideology. Then the change in personal image looks more human psychopath and his psychopathic character doesn’t commit crimes, it’s just about someone having antisocial.

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