
At the Banyupoh Feeder there is a Gondol Hubung Substation, which has 2 outgoings, the first line goes to the Banyuwedang Feeder and the second line goes to Penyabangan. However, because there is no protection on the outgoing side, if there is a disturbance in the first section on one of the outgoing sides, it will cause 1 feeder with a total of 49 transformers to experience a blackout. To overcome this condition, it is necessary to add relays at the substation. After the addition of relays at the substation, the impedance and short-circuit current are recalculated which can be used to determine the timing of the OCR and GFR relays at the new substation for each outgoing. The calculation results are then converted into a curve to determine the coordination of the protection with the existing protection relays on incoming, outgoing and recloser in anticipating disturbances in the first section at the Banyupoh Feeding Substation. After setting the protection relay on the outgoing side of the substation, the outage area due to interference can be minimized. When section 1 of the Banyuwedang Feeder is disturbed, the relay on the outgoing Gondol Substation will work so that the Energy Not Served (ENS) which was previously 40.008 kWh becomes 20.511 kWh. If section 1 of the Feeding Feeder is disturbed, then the relay on the outgoing Substation Hubung Gondol will work so that the ENS which was previously 40.008 kWh becomes 19,497 kWh, so that the amount of energy that is not channeled is reduced by 50% and this makes the service better.

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