
Religious counselors are like doctors who will give medicine, so he must make a thorough diagnosis in order to have a picture of the right conditions, what diseases suffered by patients, what medications are right, and what level of health might be built with the drug.Similarly, the extension of religion, if it is intended to improve the condition of society, it is necessary for him to start the activity by first knowing the objective condition of the object of da'wah, which then followed up with various activities of da'wah appropriate, effective and efficient. Efforts to determine the objective conditions mad'u it, the authors do through research mapping da'wah in Bandung.This research was conducted on the academic community of Dakwah Faculty who actively conducted mapping of da'wah in Bandung. Using qualitative methods. Through interviewing techniques and documentation.The results showed that mapping of da'wah is a very basic need in religious education activities. It is useful to facilitate the analysis of religious counseling objects, so that the counselor can properly present the material, methods and media used in religious counseling, in accordance with the conditions and needs of the local community. With that mapping, religious counseling basically will not only shaped the message of Islamic teachings, but is moving towards religious social change.


  • Pendahuluan Terjadinya perubahan sosial keagamaan ke arah kemajuan dengan pesat itu mencerminkan efektivitas pola perubahan sosial yang dilakukan

  • The results showed that mapping of da'wah is a very basic need in religious education activities

  • Artinya perencanaan memberi arah bagi ketercapaian tujuan sebuah sistem, karena pada dasarnya sistem akan berjalan dengan baik jika ada perencanaan yang matang

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Pendahuluan Terjadinya perubahan sosial keagamaan ke arah kemajuan dengan pesat itu mencerminkan efektivitas pola perubahan sosial yang dilakukan. Ke-efektivan tersebut, jika didekati melalui istilah keilmuan yang berkembang dewasa ini, maka ia merupakan cermin dari kehebatan manajerial atau manajemen perubahan sosial yang diterapkan. Persoalannya, konsep manajemen yang bagaimana yang dimiliki dan terapkan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW, sehingga ia mampu melakukan proses perubahan sosial, yang dipandang oleh banyak kalangan,[1] berhasil dengan gemilang? Terkait dengan perubahan sosial keagamaan tersebut, dewasa ini sering muncul analisa dalam diskusi akademisi dakwah, bahwa saat ini banyak diselenggarakan kegiatan dakwah.

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