
Kepok banana (Musaparadisiaca formatypica) is one fruit that contains enough digestivefiber for the body. Kepok banana (Musaparadisiaca formatypica) is usually processed byfrying or steaming, bananas have a short shelf life and easily damaged. Therefore, to extendthe shelf life of bananas, fruit will be processed into fruit leather products. However, becausethe color of bananas are less attractive, the color addition will make the product preferred byconsumers. Terung belanda (Solanum betaceum cav. has a bright color and has enough fibercontent so well processed into fruit leather. The objective of this research was to find the besttreatment combination between kepok banana (Musaparadisiaca formatypica) and terungbelanda (Solanum betaceum cav.) sugar concentration to produce a good physical andchemical properties and favored by consumers. The research was also to find out the effect ofsugar concentration addition to physical, chemical and organoleptic fruit leather banana andterung belanda (Solanum betaceum cav.). Treatment applied was A1: kepok banana(Musaparadisiaca formatypica) mashed 50%: terung belanda ((Solanum betaceum cav)mashed 45%: sugar 5%; A2: 45%: 40%: 15%; A3: 40%: 35%: 25%. Fruit leather is then testedorganoleptically including color, flavor, taste and texture and was chemically tested including moisture content, total acid, pH, anthocyanin and fiber. The result of the research shows thatA1 treatment: 50% banana porridge: terung belanda porridge 45%: 5% sugar produces thebest fruit leather product in terms of water content, total acid, pH, anthocyanin, fiber, aroma,taste, and texture

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