
<p>The history of Islamic philanthropy in Indonesia, appeared simultaneously with the arrival of Islam in the archipelago. However, the term philanthropy (philanthropy) in a common sense, became a fame, and began to strengthen in various forms in the 19th century. Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah and<br />Endowment are sources of philanthropic funds in Islamic treasures. Currently, the Islamic philanthropy management becomes an interesting issue when juxtaposed with the issue of poverty in Indonesia because, the funds, are not only used for consumption but also can be utilized as solutions to alleviate poverty. This paper aims to examine the institution and fund utilization model of Islamic philanthropy in Indonesia since the beginning of Islam in Indonesia up to now.<br />The research concludes, in the early phase of the development of Islam in Indonesia, the tradition of philanthropy was driven by two religious institutions namely mosques and pesantren. The management of both institutions, was still in traditional-individualistic pattern. Continuously, institution, model and direction of Islamic philanthropy tradition in Indonesia, have been developing<br />along with the change of time. Currently, the institution / organization manager of Islamic philanthropy is managed by two agencies, in accordance with law number 38/1999 zakat management, namely; amil-amil zakat and charity institutions. While the management of endowments, managed by nadzir waqf which is established by the National Endowments of Indonesian government, as mandated by Law Number 41/2004 concerning waqf (endowment). Islamic philanthropic institutions, have been applying modern management. Utilization model of philanthropy has transformed toward empowerment, and become a real endeavor of poverty alleviation in Indonesia.</p>

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