
This paper compared the tought of al-Asma al-Husna by H. Husin Qader and H.M. Zurkani Jahja. There are differences in the tought of the two figures in the delivery of the words of al-Asma al-Husna written in their work. H. Husin Qaderi in his book ‘Senjata Mukmin’ (the Faithful’s weapon) and H.M. Zurkani Jahja in his book ‘99 jalan menuju Tuhan’ (99 ways of finding the God). The findings of this study is H. Husin Qaderi thought about al-Asma al-Husna that shows God’s action is the dominant to the practical prayer with ‘zikir’, it is appropriate approach to Sufism that he had as well as the community needs are preaching at that time. H. M. Zurkani Jahja told about al-Asma al-Husna that shows God’s action is the dominant to the moral and spiritual implications, the Sufism approach that he used in accordance with al-Ghazali in his ‘al-Maqsâd. Zurkani used simple and easy explanation, it is because he wrote al-Asma al-Husna in a tabloid then booked, his expectation was the people to behave like the personality of God limited his ability. There are differences of tought about al-Asma al-Husna showing the actions of God according to both of them, their difference lies in the God’s blessings on His servants. Qaderi more closed, while Zurkani seems more open to God’s faithful servant and vice versa to get God’s blessings.


  • This paper compared the tought of al-Asma al-Husna by H. Husin Qader

  • differences in the tought of the two figures in the delivery of the words of al-Asma al-Husna written in their work

  • Husin Qaderi thought about al-Asma al-Husna that shows God's action is the dominant

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Yang sangat memelihara.Apabila berdzikir dengan menyebut yâ Muhaimin 100 kali, lalu mandi, shalat 2 raka’at dengan hati yang khusyu, maka akan dibersihkan dzahir dan bathin serta bercahaya hatinya 5. Al-Khâliq: Yang mengadakan makhluk.Apabila berdzikir dengan menyebut yâKhâliq 731 kali pada waktu tengah malam, maka akan diterangkan hati dan dirinya 7. Al-Bâri: Yang menerbitkan makhluk.Apabila berdzikir dengan menyebut yâBâri 100 kali pada waktu siang hari dalam 7 hari berturut-turut, maka selamat ia dari kematian dan tidak ada ketakutan di dalam kuburnya 8. Al-Mushawwir: Yang merupakan makhluk.Apabila berdzikir dengan menyebut yâ Mushawwir 336 kali setiap hari, maka semua pekerjaannya akan baik 9. Al-Ghaffâr: Yang sangat mengampuni.Apabila berdzikir dengan menyebut yâGhaffâr 100 kali mengiringi shalat jum’at, maka nampak baginya tanda keampunan dari Allah 10. Al-Qahhâr, Yang sangat keras.Apabila berdzikir dengan menyebut yâQahhâr 306 kali siang dan malam, maka keluar dari hatinya akan cinta kepada dunia dan sesuatu lainnya kecuali hanya ada Allah. Al-Wahhâb, Yang sangat memberi.Apabila berdzikir dengan menyebut yâWahhâb 300 kali setiap selesai shalat, maka akan banyak kekayaan dan kebesarannya

20. Al-Hakam
22. Al-Latîf
24. As-Syakûr
32. Al-Waliyy
40. As-Shabûr
10. Al-Qahhâr
12. Ar-Razzâq
14. Al-Qâbidh
15. Al-Bâsith
16. Al-Khâfidh
17. Ar-Râf ’i
18. Al-Mu’izz
19. Al-Mudzil
21. Al-‘Adl
23. Al-Hakîm
26. Al-Hasîb
27. Al-Karîm
30. Al-Wadûd
31. Al-Bâ’its
33. Al-Barr
36. Al-‘Afuww
37. Al-Muqsith
38. Al-Jâm’i
39. Al-Hâdi
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