
In the current era of globalization, the development of concrete in the construction sector is very rapid, be it housing, offices, bridges, roads, dams, ports, and others. That is inseparable from the use of concrete as a part of building construction. The use of coarse aggregate for concrete mixes, namely natural stone, is a non-renewable natural resource. Therefore an alternative is needed as a substitute. One of the natural resources that can be renewed is hazelnut skin. Candlenut is a traditional plant that has various benefits, one of which is a candlenut shell. In this study, the materials used for standard concrete mixtures consist of water, cement, fine aggregate, and coarse aggregate. The water used for mixing the concrete is taken from the PDAM channel. The results showed that the effect of candlenut shells used as a substitute for some coarse aggregate decreased compressive strength results from the results of standard concrete compressive strength. The results obtained by the value of standard concrete compressive strength at 28 days of concrete were 27.19Mpa for concrete using Candlenut shells of 20% produce a compressive strength value of 17.33 Mpa at 28 days of concrete. 35% produce a concrete compressive strength value of 16.04 Mpa, while 50% produce a concrete compressive strength value of 15.17 Mpa. Thus the research shows that more and more candlenut shells are being used as a substitute for coarse aggregate in the concrete mixture.


  • In the current era of globalization, the development of concrete in the construction sector is very rapid, be it housing, offices, bridges, roads, dams, ports, and others

  • The results showed that the effect of candlenut shells used as a substitute for some coarse aggregate decreased compressive strength results from the results of standard concrete compressive strength

  • “Desain Rancangan Percobaan Pada Pengujian Kuat Tekan Beton Berbahan Campuran Cangkang Kemiri” , Jurnal Rab Construction Research vol 4, no. 1, p. 12, 2019

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Latar Belakang

Penggunaan beton sebagai bahan bagunan telah lama dikenal dan paling banyak digunakan secara luas oleh masyarakat. Beton merupakan bahan campuran (composite) yang disusun oleh elemen pembentuk yang terdiri dari, semen, agregat halus, agregat kasar, dan air, atau bahan tambah lainnya. Jika agregat yang digunakan memiliki kekuatan yang tinggi, gejala penyusutan pada semen dapat minimasi dan antara semen-agregat bisa terikat dengan baik [2]. Penggunaan agregat kasar untuk campuran beton yaitu batu alam (sumber daya alam bukan mineral ataupun logam) merupakan sumber daya alam yang tidak dapat di perbaharui, oleh karena itu di perlukan alternatif lain sebagai pengganti. REKONSTRUKSI TADULAKO: Civil Engineering Journal on Research and Development, Vol 1(2), September 2020 satu tanaman tradiosonal yang memiliki berbagai macam manfaat salah satunya cangkang kemiri dapat digunakan sebagai campuran beton [3]. Penggunaan bahan cangkang kemiri sebagai agregat kasar dalam campuran bisa meningkatkan sifat semen sebagai bahan pengikat dalam campuran beton. Penggunaan cangkang kemiri bisa membuat beton mutu baik lebih ekonomis, dikerenakan cangkang kemiri lebih murah dibandingkan dengan biaya beton mutu tinggi yang menggunakan agregat alam

Rumusan Masalah
Tujuan Penelitian
Batasan Masalah
Manfaat Penelitian
Campuran Beton
1.10. Faktor yang Menentukan Keberhasilan dalam Pembuatan Beton
Bahan Penelitian
Alat dan Bahan Penelitian
Tahap Penyiapan Bahan
Hasil Pemeriksaan
Kuat Tekan Beton
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