
The research is entitled Utilization of coastal fisheries resources with trap net fishingequipment in the waters of Pangkep Regency. Related to that, the community uses thepotential of fish resources in the coastal waters of Pangkep Regency with a variety offishing gear, one of which is trap net (local read: tiku). Objectives are: 1) Knowing thecomposition of the type of trap net caught operated in coastal waters; 2) Knowing thelevel of environmental friendliness of the trap net fishing equipment operated in coastalwaters 3) Knowing the economic feasibility of trap net fishing equipment operated in thecoastal waters of Pangkep Regency. This research is expected to provide constructorsregarding the composition of catches in the use of Coastal Fishing Ground resourceswith net trap fishing equipment in the waters of Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi toensure access to sustainable use of fisheries resources. The study was conducted in June -December 2018 in the coastal waters of Sigeri District, Pangkep Regency. Materials andtools related directly or indirectly to research to make measurements and observations inthe field. The data needed consists of pruimer and secondary data. To achieve the goal,the data collected is carried out by analyzing fishing gear designs and analyzing thecomposition of catch species.The design of the trap net fishing gear is rectangular with avery small mesh size and the material is made of nylon (waring). The size of the trap netis 500 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. The composition of the types of trap net catchesoperated in the coastal waters of Pangkep Regency is very large and in general, fish thatmigrate daily at low tide take place.

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