
It is well-known fact that education students with Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC) receive in general classroom plays a great role in their behaviors to develop positively. However, including students with ASC in inclusive education is controversial issue in educational setting. This is because the continuum of including students with ASC in inclusive education is one of the most complicated areas of education. For this reason, this study is aimed to contribute to all stakeholders working with ASC in inclusive setting by explaining barriers and offering solutions about successful inclusion of these students. In accordance with this purpose, studies in the literature were reviewed in depth. As the result of the research findings, there are several factors of inclusion which are essential to access fully inclusive education for students with ASC in general classroom. According to literature, general well-being of students with ASC, school staffs, family involvement, typically developing peers, physical and social environment, curriculum and transitions play key role about fully inclusion of students with ASC. In order to inclusive education to be successful, there should not be any barriers regarding these factors. In this study, barriers and its potential solutions of successful inclusive education is presented.

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