
The ability to think mathematically in solving problems is an important goal of schooling. It is an ultimate goal of teaching that students will be able to condut a mathematical investigation by themselves and that they will be able to identify where the mathematics they have learned is applicable in real-world situations. The first strategy of mathematical thinking is specializing. Specializing means turning to some examples to learn more about the main goal of a concept or problem and these examples are specific and particular instances of more a general situation in a concept or problem. This study based on students’ difficulties to think mathematically in mathematics problem solving. There are still many students who feel confused when solving problem. The purpose of this study is to investigate the specializing of two sixth grade students in solving mathematics problems. They were selected from ten students taking mathematical skills and problem solving tests. They were classified in high and low mathematics abilities. Then they were interviewed based on their work of the given task. When solving the problem, the subject with high mathematics ability was able to describe the known, the way to determine the solution and try to look at the other examples. While the subject with low mathematics ability knows about a concept that can be used to help the problems but she didn’t know the way to determine the solution. Even though taking more time, by applying both a structured-scaffolding and using specializing systematically that fit the problem they succeeded in solving tem. These results may contribute mathematics teachers in a way how to help students use specializing in solving problem.

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