
This study investigates students' perceptions of EMI and its impact on learning, aiming to provide insights into the complex dynamics surrounding this educational approach. Two hundred students from various academic backgrounds and language proficiencies were surveyed, and questionnaires were filled up to gather their perceptions of EMI. The findings reveal a multifaceted picture of how students perceive English as the medium of instruction in their studies. Pupils expressed both positive and negative perceptions regarding EMI. Many valued EMI for global academic access and improved English proficiency. However, challenges related to language comprehension, communication, and a sense of identity emerged as significant concerns. Moreover, the students' perceptions often depended on their language proficiency and prior exposure to English SL. The effects of EMI on students' learning outcomes were found to be influenced by various factors, including instructional quality, the level of language support provided, and the student's own language skills.

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