
Quality of Lecture Hall Resources usedin teacher education programs is central to provision of quality education in the universities in Kenya and other world nations. This research study is informed by the claim that quality of lecture hall resources used in teacher education programmes is low in the universities in Nakuru County, Kenya. The objective of this research study was therefore to determine how students enrolled in teacher education programmes actually perceive  quality of lecture hall resources in the universities in Nakuru County, Kenya. This study was premised on the Theory of Total Quality Management by Deming and Attributive Theory of Quality of Higher Education. The researcher adopted the cross-sectional survey research design. Data was collected from a study populationof 310 obtained from a total of 6 universities (Private and Public Chartered Universities) offering teacher education programmes. Stratified, purposive and simple random sampling techniques were used. Sample size was 257 respondents. Using Test Retest method, the questionnaire scored 0 .8 reliability coefficient. Instrument was validated and piloted. Data from students’ questionnaires were analyzed using statistical tools in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations were calculated. One- way Analysis of Variance, Post Hoc Test, T-tests were carried out to measure significant differences between means of samples. The study found out thatPrivate Y students (mean=3.26) perceived that quality attributes of Lecture Hall resources are  frequently available. Public Q (mean=3.12), Private X (mean=3.09) and Public P (mean=2.58) also reports that quality attributes of Lecture Hall resources are frequently available. This means that Private Y and Public Q leads in the prevalence of quality attributes of Lecture Hall resources. Students’ Perceived that Quality of Lecture Halls Resource was better in private universities (M = 3.17, SD = 0.60) than in public universities (M = 2.79, SD = 0.73). The results further indicate that the difference between the two means was statistically significant, t (225) = 4.263, p<.05). This is an indication that quality of lecture hall resources in private universities was higher than those of public universities. These findings could inform policy formulation on provision of quality Lecture Halls Resource in the universities offering teacher education programmes.The study recommends that universities should prioritize provision of quality lecture hall resources with a view to improving quality of teacher education programmes. All ethical concerns and procedures were observed.

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