
The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of sociolinguistic survey of students of state institutions of higher education of Eastern Ukraine. The article focuses on the problem of Ukrainian-Russian oral speech forms mixing, known as Surzhyk in Ukraine. Material for research are results of the questionnaire conducted by us. Methods: the respondents of the research were I-IVth year university students, Donbass State Pedagogical University lecturers – 166 respondents, Mariupol State University – 155 respondents, Horlivka institution of Foreign languages – 178 people and Donetsk National Technical University – 127 respondents. The total number of questionnaires is 576. Statistical treatment, empirical analyses and debates have been used to achieve the goal. The research is based on the analysis of adolescents' comments to the open questions of the sociolinguistic questionnaire, which they filled in personally during the targeted survey. conclusion about the destructive nature of the lingual mix resulting in the Surzhyk was made at the beginning of the 21th century, when the linguistic phenomena arising as a result of the Russian-Ukrainian linguistic interaction became the subject of linguistic analysis. The purpose of the article is to investigate the ways of linguistic understanding the notion of Surzhyk by contemporary Ukrainian adolescents, to ascertain whether the young speakers associate the emergence of a Surzhyk with the language policy of previous historical periods. It is concluded that the idea of adolescents about Surzhyk as a mixture of Ukrainian and Russian languages, littered, unclean or as a separate language, arising from the merger of two languages into a new language.

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