
Numbers operation is one of the algebraic prerequisites concepts that students must understand before understanding the algebraic material. Understanding the wrong prerequisite concept can lead to misconceptions. This research aimed to describe students’ misconceptions on the algebraic prerequisites concept, causative factors, and alternative solutions. This research was qualitative descriptive research using diagnostic test methods and interview. Three students who did the most and varied misconceptions in completing the diagnostic test were chosen to be the subject of this research. The results showed the subject misconceptions experienced on the algebraic prerequisites concept, namely the operation of integers and fractions. The misconceptions experienced by the subject occurred in the integer addition, integer subtraction, integer division, multiplication with zero numbers, fractions addition, and fractions division. The factors that cause misconception are preconception, associative thinking, incomplete or incorrect reasoning, wrong intuition, student ability. Alternative solutions to overcome the misconceptions are re-explain and cognitive conflict. The teacher must know the misconceptions, causative factors and alternative solutions to overcome students’ misconceptions on the algebraic prerequisites concept so that students will not experience misconceptions when understanding the algebraic material in the next stages.

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