
This study aims to determine the increase in mathematical communication skills of students of UIN Walisongo Semarang using mathematics teaching materials that apply Project Based Learning through vlogs based on unity of sciences. The importance of mathematical communication skills can help students more easily communicate the results of their mind on mathematical problems through symbols, diagrams, tables, or the other media. Mathematical communication skills make it easier for students as prospective teachers to convey messages in the form of mathematical concepts, principles, and objects. Students who have mathematical communication skills have an easy understanding of the level of understanding the concepts and application of mathematics in everyday life. Mathematical communication skills can be honed through a learning process that involves groups in creating and completing a project. Giving projects in the form of vlogs trains students in communicating and expressing their ideas or truths and can inspire others to do the same on the vlogs that have been made. Project-based learning through vlogs with Islamic values as the implementation of the unity of knowledge can instill a paradigm that all knowledge is one interconnected unit, sourced from the verses of Allah, both qauliyah and kauniyah verses, so that it is getting higher. Owned mathematical knowledge, makes someone who studies mathematics more faith in Allah. The results showed that there was an increase in the mathematical communication skills of mathematics education students by using a project-based learning model through vlogs based on science unity.

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