
This study aims to observe the result of students’ mathematical communication in a Teams Games Tournament (TGT) type cooperative learning model. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method in which the result of the observation and investigation of the students’ mathematical communication will be described. This research subjects were the first semester college students of class A in school year 2019/2020. There were 30 students who were taking the Trigonometry learning material in the Mathematics Education study program of Math and Science Faculty in Universitas Negeri Malang. The learning process was done by applying the TGT type cooperative learning method. The results of this research showed that the learning model had a positive influence on most of the students’ mathematical communication, especially on their oral and written mathematical communication aspects. On the oral aspect, on average, the students had a good communication skill with several indicators as follows: grammatical skills; sociolinguistic skills; and strategical skills. The students were expected to have a mathematical thinking and reasoning skills. Whereas on the written aspect, the indicators were as follows: interpreting mathematical ideas rationally, changing mathematical problems into mathematical models, and expressing mathematical ideas in the form of a description. From the results of this study, it was obtained that most of the students had good written mathematical communication skills. It can be concluded that the TGT learning model had a positive influence on the students’ mathematical communication skills.

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