
Leadership development is a cornerstone aspect of military medical education. Operation Bushmaster, a medical field practicum (MFP) conducted by the USU, tests fourth-year medical students' clinical skills and leadership acumen in an operational environment. No studies have examined students' perceptions of their own leadership development during this MFP. Therefore, this study explored leadership development from the students' perspectives. Using a qualitative phenomenological design, we analyzed the reflection papers of 166 military medical students who participated in Operation Bushmaster during the fall of 2021. Our research team coded and categorized the data. Once defined, these categories served as the themes in this study. Three central themes were expressed: (1) the importance of direct and decisive communication, (2) unit cohesion and interpersonal relationships enhance the team's ability to adapt, and (3) followership quality determines leadership outcomes. The students' leadership ability was maximized by established relationships within their unit and well-practiced communication, and a decreased propensity for followership negatively affected leadership. Overall, Operation Bushmaster increased students' appreciation of the importance of leadership development and overall enhanced their leadership outlook as a future military medical officer. This study provided an introspective vantage from military medical students pertaining to their own leadership development, as participants described how the challenging environment of a military MFP challenged them to hone and develop their leadership skills. As a result, the participants gained a greater appreciation of continued leadership development and realization of their future roles and responsibilities within the military health care system.

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