
The article deals with the ways of finding approach to the students with different abilities within one educational process in higher technical educational institutions. To recognize different types of intelligence, the criterion of predominating perceptive channel or perceptive modality and the theory of multiple intelligences have been used. According to the former, visual, auditory and kinesthetic types cab be determined. The latter comprises verbal, logical, interpersonal, intrapersonal and naturalistic intelligences. The author describes the peculiarities of each type of intelligence as well as analyzes the methods and means of teaching foreign languages in accordance with it. The project-based and problem-based learning are considered to be effective techniques to involve all the students with different psychological characteristics in educational process. The former contains teacher centered and student centered approaches, which are described and compared in the article. The advantages and disadvantages of them are shown. In the field of problem-based learning, alternative and auxiliary educative methods and forms are taken into account. The stages of individual educational approaches corresponding to three phases of cognitive acts are discussed. Besides, the methods of problem-based learning are mentioned and analyzed.



  • In the process of education a teacher usually faces the problem of teaching students of different psychotypes in one classroom

  • One of them usually predominates in most people i.e. it responds to signals of environment faster than the others

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Advanced Education

UDC 378.477 STUDENTS’ INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERISTICS AND THEIR CONSIDERATION IN TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES. To recognize different types of intelligence, the criterion of predominating perceptive channel or perceptive modality and the theory of multiple intelligences have been used According to the former, visual, auditory and kinesthetic types are determined. The author describes the peculiarities of each type of intelligence as well as analyzes the methods and means of teaching foreign languages in accordance with them. The project-based and problem-based learning are considered to be effective techniques to involve all the students with different psychological characteristics in educational process. The former contains teacher centered and student centered approaches, which are described and compared in the article.

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