
Students 4 Best Evidence (S4BE) is a project set up by the Cochrane Centre. It consists of a growing network of students from a variety of disciplines from around the world who are interested in evidence based healthcare (EBH). We interviewed Martin Burton, director of UK Cochrane Centre, and David Carroll, medical student at Queen’s University Belfast, about the project. Martin is also a consultant otolaryngologist at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, and a senior clinical lecturer at the University of Oxford. David is one of S4BE’s contributors and editors, an avid tweeter, cat fan, and one of the founders of the Open Access Button (www.openaccessbutton.org). Martin Burton: One of the key things about S4BE is that it is designed for students in any healthcare discipline, or potentially for students studying a non-healthcare discipline. So although we started out working with medical students, we’re hoping that nursing students, physiotherapy students, pharmacy students, etcetera will be interested. For example, we’ve recently had a blog from a post-doctoral chemistry student who’s now got an interest in EBH. We …

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